Whitney is a sacred artist and sound healer working with the consciousness of nature and earth's telluric energies to create living libraries of light that anchor in new codes of bioharmonics. Weaving bridges of light between the celestial and the devic realms, she creates "earthereal" harmonies for the planet.

Inspired by ancient universal languages of light, the glyphs in my pieces speak to the divine wisdom within. These glyphs reawaken soul memories of the songs of the universe, also known as the music of the spheres, and support the emergence of new planetary harmonics.  Integrating stellar wisdom with the cellular of the human body and the earth body, I bring together celestial harmonics with earth's own vibrations to create prayers for mother earth.  

Feminine Sacred Geometry, or "flow geometry", is the re-emerging divine language of co-creation with elemental and celestial realms. By transcribing sacred paths and "songlines", I assist the energetic blueprints of the grid and ley lines - "the land-guage" of the planet.  This is in co-creation with the consciousness of animal, elemental, landcestors, and star beings.

These are new paradigms of geometry. These geometric codes re-pattern crystalline structures within the brain to allow one to evolve the ability to conceive and work with "living" geometry. This is what I refer to as "Thinking Outside of the Sphere" and moving towards "Spherical Consciousness".  The language of the divine manifested in form.


Bioneers  •  Pacifica Graduate Institute  •  Institute of Noetic Sciences  •  Origins / Estee Lauder  •  Center for Contemporary Art ~ Santa Fe, NM  •  Harwood Museum, Taos, NM  •  Tempe Art Center, Tempe, AZ  •  Swedish American Museum, Chicago, IL  •  Museum of New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM  •  Originals: New Mexico Women in the Arts, National Museum of Women in the Arts  •  La Posada de Santa Fe  •  Mariposa Gallery •  Patina Gallery  •  Gallerie Corazon  •  Hay House Inc.  •  Spirit in Art - Santa Fe Convention Center  •  SYDA Foundation  •  Omega Institute Women's Conference



"The leaping joy of the dolphin suggests free expression of the soul released from fear,

and freed to express the divine creativity, playfulness and loving nature

that is the essence of a healed humanity, ready to reclaim the innocence it thought it had lost." 

- Michael Portelly
